In 1647, the grammarian and prime mover in the emasculation of the French language, Claude Favre de Vaugelas, remarked in his Remarks on the French Language of his pride in knowing a man who never pronounced the word ‘thing’ (‘chose’) because it was a word with which people make dirty jokes.
Here is a poem from the Satyres bastardes or Bastard Satyrs of 1615 of which Vaugelas would not have approved:
Mon chose veut choser vostre chose : mais chose
Garde que je ne puis enchoser vostre chose
Or si chose à la fin ne vous laisse enchoser
Je le choseray tant qu’il s’en ira choser.
My thing wants to thing your thing: but thingy
Make sure I can’t in-thing your thing
But if in the end thingy doesn’t let you in-thing
I’ll thing him until he things off.